The Foro Feminista took place in Buenos Aires on November 7th, prior to the XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean. It brought together women and diversities from across the region, including women with disabilities, indigenous, afro-descendants, trans people, from different countries including Peru, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Brasil among others. CEPIA was present at the Forum by Andrea Romani and Jacqueline Pitanguy as part of the activities promoted by Fòs Feminista.

The meeting took place at the Memory and Human Rights Space, formerly ESMA, the main place of torture and extermination in Argentina, today a place of memory and resistance.

One of the main objectives of the Forum was the convergence of a document with the claims and suggestions of Latin America and Caribbean women to be presented during the XV Conference, to be attended by authorities  from the various countries. The meeting with the slogan feminism, care and life at the center, addressed some issues such as  the need to give visibility to care work, to combat gender inequality present in the division of care work, the need to recognize care as a work and the right to self care.

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