June 12 marks the worldwide campaign against child and adolescent labor,. Sexual exploitation, understood as the use of child and adolescer to sexual practices with profit purposes, is considered one of the worse forms of child labor. Child Sexual exploitation can occur through pornography, prostitution, sex tourism and trafficking for sexual purposes.
Data on child labor in Brazil are not updated, but, by 2016, according to data from the IBGE / Pnad, there were 2.3 million children and adolescents in this condition. Contrary to what the President said last year, child labor does not dignify men and women at any age and constitutes a serious violation of human rights.
FEPETI / RJ (State Forum for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of Adolescent Workers), which brings together governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations, including CEPIA, is holding a series of events throughout June in reference to the worldwide campaign.
This year the launch of national mobilizations was marked with a music by the artist Emicida with the participation by Drika Barbosa. To access the video clip click here
The complete agenda of the June activities organized by FEPETI/RJ can be accessed here.