The regional director of UN Women for Latin America and the Caribbean, Maria Noel Vaeza, held a virtual meeting on June 23 with members of advisory groups from several countries in the region, in which Jacqueline Pitanguy participated. The UN Women’...
Continue ReadingA diretora regional da ONU Mulheres para América Latina e o Caribe, Maria Noel Vaeza promoveu reunião virtual em 23 de junho com integrantes de grupos assessores de diversos países da região da qual participou Jacqueline Pitanguy. Foi apresentado o Pl...
Continue ReadingCEPIA, in partnership with the Municipal Department of Education, through the Health at School Program (PSE), started, in June, a cycle of workshops with public high school students. This is a second stage of CEPIA´s project Sharing Knowledge, strengthen...
Continue ReadingA CEPIA em parceria com a Secretaria Municipal de Educação, por meio do Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE), deu início, em junho a um ciclo formativo voltado para alunas e alunos da rede pública. Trata-se de continuação do Projeto Compartilhando conhec...
Continue ReadingThe Women’s Security Commission of the State Council for Women’s Rights – CEDIM-RJ held a meeting on June 22nd to discuss its concern with the use of practices of the so-called “family constellation” in cases of domestic and ...
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