CEPIA coordinated a coalition of organizations – ANIS, CEPIA, CLAM, GESTOS and Instituto Patrícia Galvão -, involved with the agenda of awareness and mobilization of society and government for the reproductive rights of women in the context of Zika virus epidemics. This project highlighted the importance of the continuity of the work of national organizations as a counterpoint to the absence of the State and the silence of the media. The critical reflection of the organizations that have developed this Project recognizes the need for a continuous effort to raise awareness and disseminate information and promote advocacy for respect for women’s sexual and reproductive rights, especially in the context of serious epidemics such as the zika virus, of a political environment marked by the advance of conservative forces that put those rights at risk. Among the activities developed by CEPIA are the preparation of a documentary on reproductive rights and Zika virus, workshops with young people on the subject, introduction of the topic in the Partiu Papo Reto app and the realization of the Seminar “In times of Zika: initiatives, analysis strategies, and future perspectives” for the presentation of the results of the five organizations that are part of the Coalition. In addition to the Coalition team, the seminar was attended by the UN women’s representative in Brazil, former Ford Foundation representative, members of other NGOs, the academy, the health sector and government.