
Anna Maria Rattes, an activist for women’s rights and former constituent presented on March 11 her youtube Program In the Family in which she interviewed Branca Moreira Alves and Jacqueline Pitanguy on their book Feminism in Brazil, memories of those wh...

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On March 9th CEPIA was present, represented by Leila Linhares Barsted, in the webinar Feminismos + Igualdad de género + Pensamiento Crítico, promoted by the University of Chile. In this webinar, that counted with the participation of the philosopher Jud...

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With great sadness, CEPIA express its regret for the death of Cristina Alvim Castello Branco, dear Kiki, with whom we had the opportunity to develop join projects in defense of youth’s health and rights. A tireless advocate of STI/AIDS prevention po...

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