
Jacqueline Pitanguy and Leila Linhares Barsted published the article For the Right to Life and Human Dignity, in the newspaper O Globo, on April 23rd. The article calls attention that unsafe abortion is the fourth cause of maternal mortality that, in Braz...

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Important conferences will be held this year focusing on women’s rights: the Regional Conference on Population and Development, the Summit of the Americas and the Regional Conference on Women. On April 20th, Cepia participated in the virtual event o...

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On April 19, the day of indigenous peoples, we invited Ellen Acioli, an indigenous women from the Sateré Mawé ethnic group, feminist, conservationist and climate activist to answer the question: What are the strategies adopted by indigenous women to avo...

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The Brazil Foundation promoted an online event to present the book Feminismo no Brasil, memórias de quem fez acontecer. (Feminism in Brazil, memories of those who made it happen). The event was coordinated by CEO Rebecca Tavares who , in conversation wi...

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