
On April 28, it tool place the monthly meeting of FEPETI/RJ (State Forum to Prevent Child Labor), bringing together participants from civil society organizations, including CEPIA, and municipal governments in Rio de Janeiro, Cabo Frio, Belford Roxo, Maric...

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CEPIA promoted, on April 25th, the live Women, Religion and Politics, mediated by Leila Linhares Barsted, that counted with the participation of the Reverend Alexya Salvador, first transvestite ordained in Latin America, Leticia Rocha, Master in Science o...

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The Law School of the University UNIRitter, in Rio Grande do Sul, on April 25th, continued the classes of its Women’s Human Rights Clinic, coordinated by Professor Carmen Hein Campos, aimed at students of this Faculty. Leila Linhares Barsted gave a ...

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