
The Rio de Janeiro State Council for Women’s Rights – CEDIM/RJ held another meeting aimed at strengthening the Rio de Janeiro State Forum of Municipal Councils and Managers. Leila Linhares Barsted, member of CEDIM’s Security Commission, ...

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On October 6th Fòs Feminista promoted a tribute in honor of Adrienne Germain who left us on May, with the participation of women who shared important moments of her life such as Carmen Barroso, Peggy Antrobus, Judith Bruce, Judith Helzner, Sandra Khabir,...

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In honor of the anniversary of the Brazilian 1988 Constitution, TV Justiça released the documentary “34 years of the Federal Constitution”. The documentary interviews members of the Federal Supreme Court about the importance of our Constitution, as w...

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On October 3th, CEPIA´s team  facilitated a workshop at the Rivadavia Corrêa Public High School. This workshop is part of a series of activities being developed by CEPIA since August under the elective course “Partiu Papo Reto: life projects, sexuali...

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