On May 3rd, 2019, Jacqueline Pitanguy’s article “Possession of Arms: An Announced Chronicle of Femicide,” was published in the newspaper O Globo. Access the full link below: https://oglobo.globo.com/opiniao/posse-de-armas-a-chronicle-address-of-...
Continue ReadingCEPIA, in partnership with the Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice and Mônica Cunha, founder of the Moleque Movement, consultant of this project, organized a visit to the exhibition “Women, time and voice: rights, achievements and challenges”, which...
Continue ReadingThe Institute of Public Security launched today the 14th edition of the Women’s Dossier, an annual thematic report that presents data on violence against women in the state of Rio de Janeiro. CEPIA, represented by Leila Linhares Barsted, was present...
Continue ReadingOn April 25, Cepia attended the Henrique Dodsworth Municipal School, continuing the second cycle of workshops of the project “Education for Citizenship”. The theme worked was “power relations” and had the great participation of students of the 8th...
Continue ReadingThe State Forum to Combat Child Labor and Adolescent Worker Protection (FEPETI-RJ) meeting, held on April 25th, had as its agenda the presentation of the activities of the Special Protection Superintendence of the State of Rio de Janeiro, which foresees, ...
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