
The Maternal Mortality Committee of Rio de Janeiro met, on December 11th, aiming to analyze the activities developed in 2020,  the situation of Maternal Death (MM) in the context of Covid-19 and to plan its actions for 2021, considering the changes in th...

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The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) launched, on December 10, the Platform Women Safety, which aims to inform, strengthen networks and facilitate women’s access to services to prevent gender-based violence against women and girls. The project...

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The political movement Catholics for the Right to Decide, which articulates with non-governmental organizations in 12 countries around the world, organized, on December 10th, a tribute to the feminist theologian Maria José Rosado, one of its founders in ...

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CEPIA, in partnership with AMAZE and IPPF, started, on December 20th, the recording of dubbing for the Portuguese version of the video Why don’t I like my appearance? This project consists of choosing, translating, adapting, recording and mixing fou...

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