
CEPIA launches a video E o que é ser bissexual, afinal?  about bisexuality, warning about the importance of respecting the sexual orientation of each person and deconstructing the idea that being bisexual is being sick. The video featured by Débora Pin...

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On February 25th, the monthly meeting of FEPETI-RJ (State Forum for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of Adolescent Workers) took place. The meeting had as main points of discussion the data on child labor and the construction o...

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Women’s right to vote in Brazil was the result of a long trajectory of women’s struggle for the suffrage. On February 24, 1932 this right was acchieved what represented an important milestone for democracy. In celebration of this achievement, ...

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From December to February, CEPIA’s team participated in a project, in partnership with IPPF and AMAZE, for dubbing and adapting videos focused on puberty and aimed at adolescents and youths. The objective of this project was to adapt 4 (four) AMAZE ...

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