
Since 2018 feminist groups and organizations have gathered around the Campaign Nem Presa Nem Morta por Aborto (Neither Prey nor Killed for Abortion), envisioning advances in this agenda. In recent years, the risks of setbacks in the field of Reproductive ...

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The Sexual Autonomy Group / ELAS Fund organized, on October 26th, the Third Virtual Meeting Dialogues on International Advocacy. Leila Linhares Barsted acted as a speaker/facilitator highlighting the importance of expanding the political advocacy of femin...

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On October 26, it was held the monthly meeting of the Community of Practice that gather non governamental organizations from Latin America  with agendas focused on the empowerment of adolescents and young people, in particular, on issues related to their...

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The Spanish newspaper El Pais, in its international edition of 20 October 2021, published the article Constituyentes y Democracia: Brasil y Chile, by Jacqueline Pitanguy and Marta Mauras in which they analyze the constituent processes of Brazil and Chile ...

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