
Live Maternagem and Media ✨ The  Mothering, Media and Childhood Extension Project, by the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), promotes a series of initiatives related to the theme of Mothering, Media and Infancy, including monthly lives. In Novemb...

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The National School of Training and Improvement of Magistrates (Enfam) promotes the webinar “Gender and Women’s Human Rights”, on November 23, from 9:30 am to 12 pm, Brazilian time zone. This event is part of the initiatives to support women Afg...

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On November 23rd, the Articulation of Brazilian Women, CLADEM, the Justice Forum and other partner organizations held the Seminar Uncovering the Court – The role of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: the Márcia Barbosa case and other feminic...

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On November 23, CEPIA held a workshop with young people and teenagers to mark the 21 days of activism campaign to end violence against women. The  workshop  The role of youths against gender based violence allowed for important reflections from the par...

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The Elas Fund promoted the Webinar Reproductive Justice with the participation of Leila Linhares Barsted, on November 24th. This event, which brought together feminist organizations, movements and networks from all over Brazil, advanced the definition of ...

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The Ministerio de las Mujeres, Políticas de Género y Diversidad Sexual de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, promoted on November 25th, Panel Las Politicas de Estado frente a las violencia por razones de género, in the context of the Congress Gen...

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CLADEM, the Maria da Penha Law Consortium, UNETE and other partner organizations promoted the International Seminar Alienation: A form of violence against women, on November 29th and 30th. The seminar aimed to debate the Brazilian Law of Parental Alienati...

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On November 30th, Andrea Romani, Karla Oldane and Jacqueline Pitanguy attended  the Virtual Open Forum on the Feminist Alliance’s Strategic Refresh, gathering a diverse number of feminist NGOs. The Foro aimed to clarify the Feminist Alliance’...

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CEPIA held the online conversationWhat does it mean to be a mother of a teenager in this century? , gathering 17 women, including mothers of teenagers and professionals who work with teenagers and their families. The meeting was facilitated by the mother...

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The Fluminense Federal University, through the Extensionist Program Mulherio Weaving Networks and Transposing Challenges because resisting is caring and Caring is resisting, promoted the   Seminar Public Policy on combating gender violence against women ...

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On December 3rd , the Federal University Fluminense in partnership with CODIM – Coordinator of Policies and Women’s Rights of Niterói held the Seminar on Public Policy for Confronting Gender Violence against Women of the city of Niterói R...

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We are witnessing permanent attacks on democracy in several Latin American countries, with direct impacts on women’s human rights. This context intensified with the health and social crisis at Covid-19. On the other hand, we have very positive examp...

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On December 6th the Advisory Council of the BRAZIL FOUNDATION met with the participation of Jacqueline Pitanguy that joined this Council in 2021. The Council  has a diverse composition with individuals from the private sector and civil society. At this m...

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On December 7th and 8th, the Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism of the Belém do Pará Convention held its XVIII Meeting, which was attended by Nadine Gasman, President of the Conference of States of the Follow-up Mechanism of the Belém do P...

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The  Extension Project “Maternity, Media and Childhood”, coordinated by professors Maria Collier de Mendonça and Rogério Covaleski of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), an initiative of the PHINC Research Group, carried out in partnership...

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