
From November 8 to 11th, the XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean took place. It is the main intergovernmental forum of the United Nations on women’s rights and gender equality. The Forum, which is traditionally organiz...

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The Follow-up Mechanism to the Convention of Belém do Pará – MESECVI of the Organisation of American States – OAS, held the 19th Meeting of its Committee of Experts -CEVI in the city of Buenos Aires from 11th to 13th November. At this meetin...

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On November 16th, CEPIA completed the cycle of workshops for the class Straight Talk on Violences and Sexuality at the Rivadavia Corrêa Municipal Public High School. There were 4 months with weekly meetings facilitated by Débora Pinheiro, Gabriel Brand...

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CEPIA was present at the presentation session of the collaboration project between EMpower and Insad which took place on the 17th of November. EMpower is an international foundation that supports and works closely with local organizations in emerging mark...

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CEPIA was present at the launch of the film “Verde-Esperanza: legal abortion in Latin America”, in Santa Catarina. The documentary produced by Gênero e Número and directed by Maria Lutterbach, talks about the right to abortion in three c...

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In November, CEPIA joined other organizations, groups, collectives and fronts for a final meeting about the early work  of the Sexual Autonomy 2022 Program and to discuss coming actions and articulations in defense of Reproductive Justice in Brazil.

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On November 22nd  the SBT TV Station interviewed Jacqueline Pitanguy on the SBT Jornal /RIO program about Feminicide. Jacqueline drew attention to the need to consider the fact that until 2015 there was no criminal classification of the crime of femicide...

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The State Council of Women’s Rights of Rio de Janeiro – CEDIM / RJ held on November 22nd the Seminar Obstetric Violence: advances, setbacks and challenges, coordinated by the President of CEDIM-RJ Prof. Edna Calheiros and as speakers the Direc...

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The Viva Maria Radio Program, is in line with the Campaign of 16 days of activism against violence against women. On the 22nd of November Andrea Romani was interviewed by Mara Régia, responsible for the Radio Program, about the positioning of the Iranian...

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On the 23rd of November CEPIA held a workshop on rights and citizenship for young facilitators of the Adolescent Health Promoters Network (APR) course. The workshop had the objective of talking with the youth about what are rights, the relationship betwee...

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The Sexual Autonomy Group, which brings together feminist organizations from all over Brazil in defense of sexual and reproductive rights and for the discrimination and legalization of abortion, supported by the Elas + Fund, held an extensive meeting on 2...

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In the last four years Brazil’s foreign policy has been aligned with anti-human rights positions both in the field of environment and women’s rights. The current government is part of an initiative by ultra-conservative countries where women a...

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On November 30th, CEPIA, in partnership with the NGO Abraço Campeão, held the last workshop of 2022 at the Henrique Dodsworth Municipal School for 8th grade students. This workshop had the participation of Alan Duarte, founder of Abraço Campeão (Champ...

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On November 29, the 3 Sector Observatory initiative in the Perspectiva program interviewed Jacqueline Pitanguy and Ana Lúcia Portela, anthropologist and professor at São Paulo University (USP), about women’s human rights. The program that took pla...

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The International Network of Latin American and Caribbean Women, RIMLAC, held its 2022 closing meeting with a balance of its numerous activities, including activities of the Bolivia/Chile Working Group, the presence of RIMLAC members at the Regional Women...

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