
Following the weekly lives Trajectories: conversation between women promoted by CEPIA during the month of March, on March 18, we held the live Intersectionals, gender, race and class relations. For this conversation, mediated by Kezia Santos, we had the p...

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At the invitation of the Orlando Villas Boas Municipal Public High School, CEPIA integrated the very special program that the school prepared for this month of March in celebration of the International Women’s Day. Masculinities, self-esteem, machis...

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On March 21, 1960, in South Africa, 20,000 black people were protesting against a law that limited the places they could travel to. The demonstration was peaceful, but army troops fired on the crowd. 69 people died and 186 others were injured in the episo...

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On March 23rd, CEPIA was present at the international webinar “Resistance and feminist solidarity around the world”, represented by Mariana Barsted. This event is the second international webinar organized by the World March of Women and by th...

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On March 23 the Nigerian NGO CEADER in partnership with the Women Learning Partnership  held the panel Amplifying the voices of women in peace building processes, held within the scope of the parallel events of  the 65th edition UN Commission on the Sit...

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On March 24th, the National Forum of Judges of Domestic and Family Violence against Women – FONAVID, promoted a live stream “The Participation of Feminist Movements in the 1988 National Constituent Assembly”, which featured as keynote sp...

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During the current national political context, it is urgent that women know their rights and empower themselves in the autonomy of their bodies and their lives. This Thursday, March 26, CEPIA performed its third live of the month of March. The intergenera...

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The Feminist Uprising Against Feminicide (Levante Feminista contra o Feminicídio)  launched today the campaign “Don’t even think about killing me – Whoever kills a woman kills mankind!”. The launch event, a live anchored on the Facebook ...

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On March 25th, Leila Linhares Barsted, from CEPIA, recorded an interview for the Viva Maria Radio Program, broadcasted by Radio Nacional to the entire country, on the direction of the Journalist Mara Regia. In that interview, Leila highlighted the urgency...

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The School of Magistrates of the State of Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ) is organizing a cycle of interviews with the title A Palavra É (The word is). On Friday  26th, the Judge Andrea Pacha interviews Jacqueline Pitanguy. The event takes place at 6 pm on the i...

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  The Collection Weaving Threads of Feminist Criticism of Law in Brazil, a realization of the Consortium Lei Maria da Penha, with the coordination of Fabiana Severi, Myllena Calasans and Ela Wiecko brings together in its two volumes some classic text...

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On March 31, the international organization Women’s Learning Partnership , in conjunction with the NGO SIGI (Solidarity Is Global Institute-Jordan), from Jordan, will be promoting an intergenerational dialogue on climate justice and feminism, presen...

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The Brazilian Network of Population and Development / REBRAPD will hold on March 31, starting at 5 pm, the Colloquium Human Right today: the global agendas of Cairo, Beijing and Durban in Brazil, broadcast live on https: // www. T...

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The Forum Mulher Moçambique, in partnership with CEPIA, within the international network of the Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP), is organizing the Regional Online Training for Leadership and Political Participation of Women and Human Security in...

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The “Feminist Uprising against Feminicide” is a movement that brings together different citizens and organizations for women’s rights, launched the “Nem Pense Em Me Matar” (Don’t even think about killing me) campaign. The aim is to sen...

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