In December, CEPIA’s live Trajectories: conversation between women will be about I love myself: Self-care through the eyes of women of different cultures and bodies.

Audre Lorde, black, lesbian, feminist, Caribbean-American writer, said: “Taking care of myself is not self-indulgence, it’s self-preservation, an act of political struggle.”
Seeking our strengthening and self-care, nowadays, is strategic for us to continue with our performance as diverse women, in the defense of human rights.

The live that takes place on December 15th at 3 pm (Brazil time) on Cepia’s YouTube channel will have as guests:

⚡ Vanuza Cruz, Angolan, teacher, activist, president of the Huila Young Women Support Association, consultant and trainer in Gender and Human Rights.

⚡ Luciana Azevedo, Bachelor in Psychology, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist, focusing on the mental health of the black population and minority groups.

⚡ Fernanda Vicari, Social Worker of the Rumo Norte project; is in the presidency of AGADIM- Associação Gaúcha de Muscular Dystrophy. Founding member of the Helen Keller Feminist Collective for Women with Disabilities.

Moderation by Kézia Sampaio

Follow the live here

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