The Maria da Penha Law Consortium, on December 13th, met with Federal Deputy Aline Gurgel, Rapporteur of Bill No. 7352/2017, which amends the Parental Alienation Law and who declared to be in favour of the repeal of this Law.

The Deputy spoke with the members of the Consortium, among them Leila Linhares Barsted, who also expressed their support for the total repeal of this law, whose application is used by men against women, especially when accused of domestic violence, sexual abuse or even non-payment of alimony, and presented to the Deputy new subsidies based on the amicus curiae that the Consortium presented to the Supreme Court on the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality – ADI ADI 6273.

The members of the Consortium consider this law a form of violence against women and strengthens gender-based violence. They also consider that this law does not protect children, as provided for in the Statute of the Child and Adolescent and expressed solidarity with the various mothers’ groups, such as the Mothers in Struggle Collective, which denounce this violence against women and children.

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