Leila Linhares Barsted, on July 21st, 22nd and 23rd was interviewed by the Viva Maria Program of the National Brazil Communication Radio – EBC, by TV Cultura and by the Catarinas Portal about the recently approved Law in Argentina, which grants the counting of time to calculate the retirement, above 60 years old, for women who interrupted, in certain periods of their lives, their professional bonds in function of the care and upbringing of children.

Leila highlighted that the absence of social equipments, such as day-care centers and full time schools, together with the persistent macho pattern in our societies, act as a burden against women by removing them from the labor market and creating difficulties to count time for retirement.  It considers that the Law will benefit a large number of Argentine women because of its remedial effect, but that by itself it does not act on the basis of the patterns of still patriarchal societies that historically limit women’s rights to access to economic autonomy.

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