On April 7th, the filmmaker Eunice Gutman presented two of her films: Anna Letycia (Brazil, 1979) and A Rocinha tem Histórias (Brazil. 1985). The first film, proposes to show two aspects of the activity of the artist Anna Letycia, her artistic creation and her activity as a metal engraving teacher. The second film shows the reality of community schools, where children and educators, all of whom live in Rocinha, in Rio de Janeiro, are engaged in the struggle for the conquest of the social space necessary for the survival of the community.

This film won Best Direction and Best Photography, I Rio Cine Festival, 1985; Best Direction, Brasília Festival of Brazilian Cinema, 1985; “Margarida de Prata” by CNBB, 1986 and Best Direction, Festival de Gramado, 1987.

Leila Linhares Barsted – lawyer and executive coordinator of CEPIA and Lucio Aguiar – researcher, screenwriter and director were invited to discuss the two films.

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