The Working Group (WG) responsible for revising the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents held, on November 11, a meeting on Sexual Rights,  as Human Rights, having a speaker Vanessa Leite. This meeting, moderated by Andrea Romani (CEPIA) and coordinated by America Ungaretti (CMDCA-Rio) aimed to deepen the debate on the Axis of the Plan related to Attention (to child and adolescent in situation of sexual violence), and to improve the skills of the WG . Vanessa, PhD in collective health by IMS / UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro/Social Medicine Institute) and researcher at CLAM (Latin-American Center on Sexuality and HR) brought the historical trajectory of the conquest of human rights, the affirmation of rights, including sexual rights, and the need to talk about sexual rights based on social markers such as race, class, sexual orientation.

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