On October 29, the monthly meeting of FEPETI/RJ was held. Given the impossibility of holding face-to-face meetings since the beginning of 2020, the meetings were held on an online basis what enabled the participation of a greater number of municipalities of  Rio de Janeiro Sate. This meeting was attended by representatives of  the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro, Macaé, Barra do Piraí, Resende, São Sebastião do Alto, Cabo Frio, among others. In addition to the updates by each of the working groups that make up FEPETI / RJ, such as the Sexual Violence Working Group, of which CEPIA is a part, represented by Andrea Romani, the meeting also included the presentation of the Program In the Right Hand and the Campaigns All Children are ours: protect them and Vote for Childhood. This last one, was launched on a national bases and aims to mobilize society to the coming elections to choose candidates that defende child and adolescents’ rights and that area aligned with an educational system based on respect, quality, plurality and laicity.

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