CEPIA launches the Manual Creative tools for activities on puberty. The Manual is based on the lessons learned by CEPIA from workshops and focal groups held with adolescents aged 10 to 14, teachers and parents of adolescents, aiming to learn from these audiences about the main discoveries and challenges of puberty. These learning were integrated into a previous publication by CEPIA Puberty: doubts and discoveries.

The Manual addresses 12 themes (Talks) that include girls’ empowerment, sexual orientation and gender identity, prevention of unplanned pregnancy, toxic masculinity, life projects, among others. For each chat/theme, suggestions are made for activities aimed at teenagers aged 10 to 12 and for 13 to 14 years, in addition to those that can be applied to teenagers of different ages. The specific approach by age group, sought to show the understanding that the needs, looks and concerns are different for each age group, according to the life cycle.

This publication was designed, in particular, to support educators in activities on puberty with adolescents.

Good reading!

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