Sputnik Brasil, on August 19th, presented an article on its medias on  the 10-year-old girl who was victim of rape and had her legal right to terminate her pregnancy denied by a university hospital in Espírito Santo.

In an interview with Sputnik Brasil Jacqueline Pitanguy (CEPIA) says that “in a way all the visibility that this case is having sheds light on some data that are really alarming. Datasus, for example, indicates that 21,172 babies were born, in 2018, from children aged 10 to 14 years old. We know that the pregnancy of children is always  legally classified as  rape for vulnerable people. How many of these babies were raped and could not give visibility to the crime and were not able to receive the necessary care and interrupt the pregnancy? ” She also warns about the importance of talking about gender in schools, helping adolescent boys and girls to identify abusive gender relations and to learn about instruments for escape routes from situations of violence.

To follow the full interview click here

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