Over three decades of activism for women’s human rights, CEPIA has, in the past six years, incorporated a specific program aimed at training and empowering adolescents and young people, involving girls and boys.

As a member of the State Forum for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of Adolescent Workers (FEPETI-RJ) and the Working Group on Sexual Violence that is part of this Forum, CEPIA has contributed to a joint effort in the fight against sexual violence and in building more equitable and fair gender relations.

The publication Tecendo  a Rede de Proteção a Criancas e Adolescentes em Situação de Violencia Sexual (Weaving the Protection Network for Children and Adolescents in Situations of Sexual Violence), constitutes one of these joint efforts alluding to May 18th – Day to Combat Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Brazil.

The publication, under the coordination of CMDCA-Rio (Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents) and CEPIA, features texts by Ana Claudia Figueiredo, Deildo Jacinto dos Santos, Maria America Ungaretti Diniz Reis, Paula da Silva Caldas, in addition to Andrea Romani, from CEPIA, who brings a reflection, with a gender perspective, about the house as a  place of safety and risk for children and adolescents, specially female adolescents.

To access the publication click here.

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