The Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism of the Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women, Convention of Belém do Pará (MESECVI) held its sixteenth meeting on December 10, 11, and 12th, 2019, in Washington D.C. The Committee of Experts is the technical body of MESECVI responsible for analyzing and evaluating the process of implementation of the Convention of Belém do Pará. It is composed by independent experts appointed by each of the States Parties. Leila Linhares Barsted, Executive Director of CEPIA, is a member of this Commission representing Brazil.

On that occasion, the Committee met with the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM / OAS), Alejandra Mora Mora, where they agreed on a broad agenda for the prevention, punishment and eradication of the violence suffered by thousands of women and girls.

Topics addressed at the meetings included: addressing violence against women with disabilities; establish shelter standards for women survivors of violence; cyber violence; child marriage and early union; gender stereotypes in access to justice; women living with HIV; violence against human rights defenders; consent and power relations in cases of sexual violence; among other relevant topics.

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