In the first week of November the 20 partner organizations of the Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development and Peace (WLP) network met in Washington for their annual Transnational Partners Convening. The meeting was attended by representatives of women’s organizations from Morocco, Mauritania, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Senegal, Pakistan, Malaysia, Kyrgyzstan, and Brazil.

Climate Justice and Gender was one of the central themes of the meeting, with the valuable contributions of Mary Robison, former President of Ireland and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, alerting participants to the fact that women are especially vulnerable to climate change but also alerting that they play a key role in their communities in finding solutions to the challenges they face, such as flooding.

Another theme of the meeting’s agenda was the discussions on Beijing + 25 and WLP’s strategies for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the IV World Conference on Women, held in 1995, as an opportunity to revise the Platform for Action.

Andrea Romani and Jacqueline Pitanguy attended the meeting representing CEPIA, sharing the activities developed by the organization and, in particular, bringing a Latin American perspective to the debate in terms of advances, setbacks and strategies regarding women’s human rights.



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