FEPETI / RJ (Rio de Janeiro State Forum for the Prevention and Eradication of Child and Adolescent Labor) level held its 8th monthly meeting on September 26, bringing together representatives of civil society organizations, such as CEPIA, and representatives of public institutions, such as the state secretariats of education and human rights and the Municipal Secretariat of Social Assistance, as well as representatives of the municipalities of Araruama and Belford Roxo. The activities carried out by each of the Working Groups that integrates the Forum were shared, as well as information regarding the 25th anniversary celebrations of the National Forum for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor

The coming elections of the Conselho Tutelar representatives (Civil Society Municipal Councils responsible to assure child and adolescents’ rights) was also addressed during the meeting. The election will take place across the country on October 6. To get more information about the Conselho Tutelar elections in Rio de Janeiro access the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents


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