On May 13th, the Gender, Race and Ethnicity Research Center (NUPEGRE), part of the Bryan Garth Research Observatory at the Rio de Janeiro State School of Magistrates (EMERJ), held an event to present the research If you keep screaming, you’ll have children alone: obstetric violence in the light of Brazilian law and the Inter-American System for the protection of human rights. The research is part of the seventh edition of the final research report of the Center, which is a center for research and legal information, resources and initiatives on women’s rights, gender issues, race and ethnic groups in Brazil. The event was coordinated by Judge Adriana Ramos de Mello, from the NUPREG team. Leila Linhares Barsted was one of the discussants of this important research which highlights the intersectionality of gender and race in relation to obstetric violence in Brazil.


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