The Brazilian Association of NGOs (ABONG)/RJ held a conversation on May 24th, bringing together associated and allied organizations to address two issues: the Regulatory Framework for Civil Society Organizations (MROSC) and its developments and the G20 and C20 in Brazil. The meeting, held at CAMTRA headquarters, was attended by Henrique Frota, executive director of Abong and Instituto Pólis.

One of the objectives of the meeting was to think about ideas for articulation and networking in view of the G20 that takes place in Rio de Janeiro in November and how civil society organizations can influence through the C20 (civil society group) which has the Abong in his presidency, so that world leaders are attentive to the recommendations and demands of organized civil society.

As a result, a working group is being formed to think about forms of advocacy throughout the preparatory months and during the event in order to achieve greater social mobilization.  CEPIA, represented by Andrea Romani, is participating in the process.

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