On May 7th, CEPIA participated in the graduation ceremony of the Health RAP course – Network of Adolescents and Young Health Promoters. More than 150 adolescents and young people graduated from the course run by the Health Promotion Superintendency, of the Health Department, which took place over a period of 11 months, between 2023 and 2024. CEPIA, which is a long-time partner of RAP da Saúde, developed, during this training period, workshops for students on Citizenship and Human Rights , Sexual and Reproductive Health, in addition to the workshop cycle that was carried out in partnership with AP 3.3 students, at Escola Municipal Baden Powell.  Kézia Sampaio and Gabriel Brandão, who, in addition of been part of CEPIA´s team, are also part of RAP da Saúde, were involved in organizing the event. Andrea Romani was also present sharing this moment of great achievement with the graduates.

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