On September 5th, the Latin American Dialogues for Democracy and Women’s Human Rights meeting took place, an initiative of CEPIA in partnership with the international network Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP). The proposal is to broaden the dialogue with Latin American organizations in order to define a joint agenda that can strengthen network initiatives.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the organizations Comunidad Mujer (Chile), Cladem (Argentina) and La Antígona (Peru), who were recently in Brazil to take part in the Training of Facilitators, an annual event in partnership between CEPIA and the WLP.

The proposal for this 2023 cycle is to meet throughout the year to organize a cycle of debates involving other feminist organizations from these countries, as well as Brazil, on the theme of women’s human rights, the dispute over narratives about these rights and the recovery of the processes of struggle, resistance and the conquest of rights for women.

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