The Viva Maria Radio Program, is in line with the Campaign of 16 days of activism against violence against women.

On the 22nd of November Andrea Romani was interviewed by Mara Régia, responsible for the Radio Program, about the positioning of the Iranian soccer team in its first game in the World Cup which, in support of Iranian women, was silent during Iranian national song.

Andrea highlighted the importance of this act due to the visibility it gains when it takes place in the context of a world championship. She also mentioned that it was very important that Iranian men engage in this movement. Despite the fact that it is Iranian women who are leading this movement since September with the murder of Masha Amina, this struggle is for human rights and it is essential that it be a fight for all of us. Andrea also commented that CEPIA is part of the international network Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) which was founded by the former Minister of Women’s Affairs in Iran and which has been taking a stand in support of Iranian women.

Watch the video Women, Life and Freedom produced by WLP partner organizations, including CEPIA, with the slogan of the movement.

Access here the interview at Viva Maria Radio Program

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