On August 23rd, the National Council of Justice (CNJ) held its 16th Maria da Penha Law Seminar, which was attended by Minister Humberto Martins, President of the Superior Court of Justice, and various other authorities from the Judiciary and members of civil society.

This Journey had diverse Round Tables, among which, one directed toward the presentation of the results of the Project of Diagnostic of the Effectiveness of the Protective Measures of Urgency, developed for the Consortium Law Maria da Penha, in partnership with the Institute Avon and support of the CNJ.

Leila Linhares Barsted and Myllena Calazans, representing CEPIA and the Maria da Penha Law Consortium, acted as speakers at this panel and highlighted that the project aimed to contribute to the improvement of the production of analyses that can more accurately qualify the CNJ data on the Protective Measures provided for in this Law.

In the form of a comprehensive Report and a Guide for the guidance of the Judiciary these results and the Report‘s release can also be found on CEPIA’s website.

Access the full event: during the morning and afternoon .

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