A Public Act in Defense of Democracy will take place on August 11th. It will be marked by a collective reading of the Letter to Brazilians  in Defense of the Democratic State of Law by a group of women organizations and other institutions including AMB RJ, ANTRA, CAMTRA, CEPIA, Colectivo Feminista 4D, Colectivo Juntas, Criola, GRAM, Peitamos and Redeh.

The Letter states that

In today’s Brazil there is no more room for authoritarian setbacks. Dictatorship and torture belong to the past. The solution to the immense challenges facing Brazilian society necessarily involves respect for the results of the elections. In civic vigil against attempts at ruptures, we cry out in unison: Democratic Rule of Law Always!!!!

The event will take place on August 11th at 10:30 am next to the Marielle Franco Statue, Buraco do Lume in downtown Rio de Janeiro.

We invite everyone to joint us on the 11th of August and to sign the Letter 

Feminists for Democracy. Join us !


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