The Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) with the participation of the partner organizations  CEPIA, ADFM (Democratic Association of Women of Morocco) and GIPS/WAR (Groupe d’Initiatives pour le Progrès Social/West Africa Region), held a side event  on June 2,  at  the UN Conference on the Environment Stockholm + 50 a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity.

The event Women on the Frontlines of Climate Change: Reports from the Field and Strategies for Action was moderated by Musimbi Kanyoro, Chairman of the WLP Board and has as speakers  Andrea Romani (CEPIA), Nezha Belkachla ( ADFM) and Julie Cisse (GIPS/WAR).

The speakers reinforced the need to have a gender sensitive approach to address climate crises  since men and women are impacted differently and it is often women who are on the frontlines being more vulnerable, but also playing a key role gathering knowledge and leadership in sustainable resource management and in sustainable practices at the household and community level.

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