The Regional Conference on Population and Development (CRPD) took place in Cartagena, Colombia in early July. The Conference had the participation of delegations from several Latin American and Caribbean countries, along with strong presence of civil society organizations.  The Brazilian delegation played and important role in negotiation process to approve the final resolution.  The delegation was led by Cláudia Barbosa, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was made up of representatives from the recently reactivated National Commission for Population and Development: Richarlls Martins (REBRAPD), Jô Meneses (Gestos, Seropositivity, Communication and Gender) and Santinha (National Feminist Network Health, Sexual Rights and Reproductive Rights). Representatives of Brazilian civil society organizations, including CEPIA, Redes da Maré, Católicas pelo Direto a Decidir were present and met with the delegation for planning, updates and definition of strategies.  The gains from the meeting that brought together more than 500 people were the reaffirmation of the Montevideo Consensus and the expansion of the rights agenda, including strategies aimed at people with disabilities.

Prior to the Conference, the Social Forum was held, bringing together more than 300 representatives of civil society organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean and one of its results was a Political Declaration signed by several organizations, including CEPIA.

Andrea Romani, who was at both events representing CEPIA, also participated in training activities, side events and meetings organized by Aliança Fòs Feminista.

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