
On March 25th, the Brazilian Bar Association – OAB/RJ, through its Family Law Commission, held an in-person seminar to present and debate the documentary Lobby do Batom (Lipstick Lobby). The documentary deals with the movement that changed womenR...

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On March 26th, the ABU Cultural Space and the group Third Margin performed a theatrical reading of the short story Bar, by Ivan Ângelo, which deals with the theme of collective rape against a young woman in a bar. After the performance, a discussion was ...

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Throughout 2023 and 2024, CEPIA, represented by Jacqueline Pitanguy, together with REBRAPD, represented by Richarlls Martins who is also part of our Assembly of Associates, has participated in numerous meetings involving government bodies, UNFPA and civil...

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On March 27th, the Maria da Penha Institute held the Gender and Democracy and Human Rights for Women Webinar, which featured speakers Maria da Penha Fernandes, Minister of State for Women Cida Gonçalves, lawyers Leila Linhares Barsted, Silvia Pimentel, M...

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On March 27th, CEPIA participated in the 1st  Baden Powell Public High School’ Decentralized Fair with the theme Human Rights and Culture of Peace. Represented by Gabriel Brandão and Kézia Brandão, CEPIA made a presentation during the fair and ...

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March 8 is more than a day of celebration; it is a call to action. This year, CEPIA brought the issue of climate change to the center of the debate, highlighting the fact that the climate crisis affects women disproportionately, but also highlighting the ...

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Coordinated by Magdalena de Léon, a prominent Colombian leader for women’s rights, this webinar held on April 2 brought together women from different countries in Latin America, including Carmen Barroso and Jacqueline Pitanguy from Brazil, who, fro...

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On April 4th, the Women’s Safety Commission of the State Council for Women’s Rights held a meeting to debate Law No. 14.737/2023, which, as a whole, extends the right of women to have a companion when attending public and private health servic...

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To celebrate  International Women’s Day (March 8), we had a program co designed with partner institutions: RAP da Saúde, Instituto Cultura Urbana and Escola Municipal Orlando Villas Boas (EMOVB). Two 8th grade classes from EMOVB, bringing together...

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The Women’s Learning Partnership(WLP) Board of Directors met on April 8th with the main objective of offer inputs on WLP Strategic Planning, which includes its international action for women’s rights on several fronts, and strengthens its part...

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Fòs Feminista, an organization that brings together feminist NGOs from different countries, including CEPIA, promoted a preparatory meeting on April 9 to discuss the impact of its partner organizations on the event that took place at the UN at the end of...

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On April 9th and 10th, the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights (CLADEM Brazil) and the Specialized Center for the Promotion and Defense of Women’s Rights of the Public Defender’s Office of the State o...

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Jacqueline Pitanguy was interviewed by Agência Brasil about Violence against Women and Feminicide. She highlighted that when analyzing the increasing number of feminicides, retrospectively, it is important to recognize the role of  women’s struggl...

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On April 13th, CEPIA’s team, represented by Débora Pinheiro, Gabriel Brandão and Kézia Sampaio, joined the ‘Bora Viver’ event, held by the Educational Department of Rio de Janeiro/ Health in School Program, which took place at Quinta ...

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