On June 4th, CEPIA, represented by Mariana Barsted, took part in a meeting to consolidate the Brazilian Network of Women Human Rights Defenders, as part of the Public Call for Consultations for the National Plan for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders. The purpose of this meeting was to support the development of an advocacy strategy for the integration of gender, race and ethnicity within the scope of the National Plan for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders to be drawn up by the Sales Pimenta Technical Working Group.

From the meeting held in January this year, a Letter of Recommendations for the Decent Life of Women Human Rights Defenders was drawn up, as well as the Preliminary Recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Mary Lawlor, and the Concluding Observations of the CEDAW Committee. The meeting also stimulated reflections on how to make the Charter of Recommendations more effective in its purposes, the decision-making bodies that should be involved in this movement and how we can monitor the effectiveness of this Recommendation.

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