On May the 23rd, civil society organizations and the National Front for the Legalization of Abortion and the Anti-Racist Feminist Parliamentary Front with Popular Participation organized an act in front of the CFM headquarters in Brasilia.

A wreath with the words “In mourning for the deaths of women and children caused by the CFM that wants to prevent legal and safe abortion” and several stuffed animals around it represented the repudiation of the deaths of several abused women and girls who were unable to access the right provided by law for legal abortion.

Health professionals have been persecuted just for performing legal abortions in the state of São Paulo and various actions have taken place to prevent girls, women and pregnant victims of sexual violence from accessing the abortion guaranteed by law.

The Federal Council of Medicine published a Resolution that made it even more difficult to access abortion in the cases provided for by law, exceeding the limits of its competence since the CFM cannot set a deadline for abortion. This resolution was suspended by Justice Alexandre de Moraes on May 17.

CEPIA was one of the organizations that signed the letter delivered and filed with the CRM in Brasilia, repudiating the CRM’s position.

Photo credit: Juliana Duarte

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