Movements working in defense of reproductive justice demonstrated in front of the Regional Council of Medicine – CREMESP, in São Paulo, in repudiation of the suspension of doctors working in the legal abortion service at Vila Nova Cachoerinha Hospital. A wreath with the phrase “in mourning for the deaths of women and children caused by the CRM that prevents safe and legal abortion” was placed in front of CREMESP and a letter was delivered to the Council, ending as follows:

“The barriers to legal abortion are the main causes of this dramatic panorama, to which you contribute, strangely claiming to defend life in a disproportionate, insensitive and biased manner, with this recent Resolution regarding what is a real social problem. Our feeling in the face of your stance could only be one of mourning and strong indignation.” Rede de Desenvolvimento Humano.

Our feeling in the face of your stance could only be one of mourning and strong indignation.” The following organizations signed the letter: Anis – Institute of Bioethics, Nem Presa Nem Morta Campaign, Catholics for the Right to Decide, CEPIA – Citizenship Study Research Information and Action, CFEMEA – Feminist Center for Studies and Advice, Feminist Collective Sexuality and Health, Margarida Alves Collective of Popular Advice, Criola, Cunhã Feminist Collective, EIG – Evangelicals for Gender Equality, Curumim Pregnancy and Childbirth Group, Catarinas Portal, Feminist Health Network Sexual Rights and Reproductive Rights and REDEH Human Development Network.

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