“This week, we met with the Minister of Women, Cida Gonçalves, to discuss the issues presented in an open letter signed by feminist and anti-racist organizations working to defend reproductive justice in the country. The conversation revolved around the government’s approach to sexual and reproductive rights, especially access to legal abortion and the agenda of decriminalizing abortion.

At the meeting we reiterated our commitment to the agenda, defending the right to maternity free from coercion and with full guarantees of rights and care. In the middle of a context of increasing attacks on abortion under the law, contrary to what has been in the Penal Code since 1940, we highlight the ongoing struggle to guarantee access to safe and dignified abortion, in accordance with the Brazilian legal framework, the Constitution, and WHO guidelines.

The urgency of this agenda is evident in the face of growing violations of this access, especially in situations of rape involving children. This struggle has become even more acute with the closure of legal abortion services, the restrictions imposed by the Federal Council of Medicine, state legislation that seeks to impose barriers, the harassment and violation of the confidentiality of girls and women who seek their right and the persecution of health professionals. We also pointed to the challenges faced in Congress, where bills are being passed that seek to take away this right.

The meeting opened a broader and more constructive channel of dialogue between the government and organizations that promote the agenda of legal, safe and free abortion, seeking to find solutions that promote the reproductive rights and health of children, women, transmasculine and non-binary people.

Participants included: Anis – Institute of Bioethics, Nem Presa Nem Morta Campaign, Catholics for the Right to Decide, Feminist Center for Studies and Advice – Cfemea, Citizenship Study Research Information Action – CEPIA, Cladem Brasil, Feminist Collective Sexuality and Health, Margarida Alves Collective of Popular Advice, Criola, Curumim Group, Portal Catarinas, Feminist Health Network and Human Development Network – Redeh.”

Collaborative post by participating organizations. Mariana Barsted represented CEPIA at the event.