
On March 4, in solidarity with Argentine women, the Viva Maria Program led by Mara Régia on EBC National radio, interviewed Jacqueline Pitanguy about the ban on the use of neutral language in Argentina by decision of President Javier Milei. Jacqueline co...

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“People who inspire, women in the constituent”, an initiative of the Superior Labor Court, honors women who, through their careers, contribute to promoting a fairer and more inclusive society. The idea is to recognize and publicize life experi...

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On March 6th, UN Women Brazil, OHCHR and Race and Equality, in the context of their agendas and opportunities for advocacy with international human rights mechanisms, continued a series of meetings with the aim of helping to expand access to international...

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The Women’s Equality Center, WEC, an organization for women’s equality, held a meeting on March 6, bringing together several feminist organizations in the country for a conversation about sexual and reproductive rights, the challenges and opportunitie...

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The song “Chingona” was a collaborative creation made by CEPIA and 24 other social, feminist and human rights organizations from Latin America grouped together in the “No Caminho Certo” initiative. Chingona is a tribute to those who look different...

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The Permanent Forum on Family and Gender Violence; the Gender, Race and Ethnicity Research Center of the Rio de Janeiro State School of Magistrates – EMERJ (NUPEGRE); the State Coordination of Women in Situations of Domestic and Family Violence (COE...

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On March 8th, the Permanent Forum on Domestic, Family and Gender Violence, the Permanent Forum on Human Rights and the Permanent Forum on Anti-Discrimination Law and Sexual Diversity held the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Seminar, an event...

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On March 11th, UN Women organized a meeting to discuss the impact of Brazilian organizations on UN human rights processes, as part of the cycle mobilized in partnership between the Institute for Race and Equality, OHCHR and UN Women. This meeting explored...

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The National Front Against the Criminalization of Women and for the Legalization of Abortion (FNPLA), the Anti-Racist Feminist Parliamentary Front (FPFAR) and feminist organizations that work in the Sexual Autonomy Program, including CEPIA, which works in...

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On March 5th, Jacqueline Pitanguy was interviewed by REDETV about the advances and challenges of women today and about their achievements in the Constitution and other legislation and public policies,  and on March 8th she spoke with TV Justiça, which i...

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The Board of Directors of Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP)  met virtually on March 15th to analyze the organization’s Strategic Plan, issues related to the transition in its presidency, as well as ongoing programs and projects. Jacqueline P...

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During CSW 68  Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) hosted two events.   The Economics of Family Law: A Domino Effect on Gender Equality  held on March 13, in person, under the Global Campaign for Equality in Family Law  and  Advancing Women̵...

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On March 20, Fòs Feminista promoted an online meeting with several allied organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean to reflect on strategies for continuing and strengthening dialogue and regional exchange between partner organizations that work ...

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On March 21st, the 1st ordinary 2024 meeting  of FEPETI/RJ (State Forum to Erradicate Child Labor and to Protect Adolescent Workers)  was held, bringing together representatives from different municipalities of the  State, both government entities and ...

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From March 11th to 22nd, the 68th annual session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) took place, the main United Nations meeting on gender equality and women’s empowerment. At each session, a priority topic is chosen. This year the them...

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