On April 13th, CEPIA’s team, represented by Débora Pinheiro, Gabriel Brandão and Kézia Sampaio, joined the ‘Bora Viver’ event, held by the Educational Department of Rio de Janeiro/ Health in School Program, which took place at Quinta da Boa Vista and brought together more than 500 teenagers and young students from municipal public schools of Rio de Janeiro, as well as representatives from other institutions and organizations to debate on various topics around emotional health, and care. Various partners were invited to join the event.

The activity carried out by CEPIA/Partiu Papo Reto focused on strengthening youth self-esteem and mental health, based on the 10 WHO Life Skills,  through artivism with partners invited by CEPIA @eu_terk.19 and @kesiaborges.97, who used poetry as a communication tool to promote emotional health and defend rights.

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