To celebrate  International Women’s Day (March 8), we had a program co designed with partner institutions: RAP da Saúde, Instituto Cultura Urbana and Escola Municipal Orlando Villas Boas (EMOVB).

Two 8th grade classes from EMOVB, bringing together around 60 students, participated in the circuit of activities offered by CEPIA including art, sport and health. These activities generated many reflections on the role of girls and women in society, the interconnection between race and gender, new knowledge about social relationships and the importance of empathetic and networked actions.

The students  were very participatory and interested in joining the different activities that included the production of masks, as a form of artivism, sports activities to debate power relations and open conversion. Some boys shared that they were very happy and mentioned that it is very important to address issues about gender equality at school and shared that they did not know the stories of important women in the history of society.

The exchanges were very positive and the closing included a moment of celebration with snacks.

To find out more about the meeting, click here.

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