On March 26th, the ABU Cultural Space and the group Third Margin performed a theatrical reading of the short story Bar, by Ivan Ângelo, which deals with the theme of collective rape against a young woman in a bar.

After the performance, a discussion was held with Leila Linhares Barsted, who highlighted the importance of debating this issue at a time when two famous Brazilian soccer players are being tried and convicted of rape in Italy and Spain. Leila recalled the progress of legislation in Spain with the creation of a Protocol aimed at combating sexual aggression and violence against women in spaces such as nightclubs and bars, part of the “No Callem” Campaign.

Leila also presented the most recent data on sexual violence, the vast majority of which is practiced against children and adolescents in Brazil, and the Brazilian Protocol for assisting women who are victims of sexual violence or harassment in nightclubs, bars, restaurants and other leisure spaces, known as the No is No Protocol, which stipulates that establishments must have staff trained to act in the event of a report of violence or harassment against women, including the preservation of evidence, and provide resources so that the complainant can call the police or return home safely. They must also maintain an internal and external filming service and post information about the Protocol in a visible place, with a telephone number that victims can reach immediately. Establishments that fail to implement the protocol will be subject to a fine.

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