
On April 25th, radio Roquete Pinto aired the program Rio em Pauta with Ermelinda Rita, that interviewed Mariana Barsted talking about the courses and trainings that CEPIA is giving in the year 2023, especially about the course Cairo in the Daily: communic...

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The Study Group: Psychology, Studies and Gender Narratives, in partnership with the Collegiate of the Psychology Course at the University UNICAP from Barbacena/Minas Gerais, promoted on April 25th and 26th the conference cycle Women and Society: (im)possi...

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On April 27, the Suely Sousa de Almeida Reference Center for Women from the Nucleus of Public Policy Studies at UFRJ promoted the presentation of the film Lobby do Batom, which portrays women’s struggle to guarantee their rights under the Constituti...

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On May 3rd, CEPIA’s team, through the project Partiu Papo Reto, concluded its cycle of workshops at the Orlando Villas Boas school with the 8th grade class. In all, there were 6 thematic meetings, including the “culminating” meeting, whi...

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The Criminal Law Forum of the School of Magistracy of the State of Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ) held, on May 4th, the Seminar The innovations on Maria da Penha Law – Law 14550/2023 – Protective Measures, coordinated by Judge José Muinõs Piñeiro F...

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On May 5th, Chile’s  Permanent Forum on Foreign Policy promoted a round of conversation about an integration project for South American countries that would allow this sub-region to resume political dialogue. The need to include the gender dimension as...

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Leila Linhares Barsted was interviewed on May 7th by TV Educativa (TVE) presenting considerations about the new Equal Pay Law that guarantees the payment of equal salaries for men and women who exercise the same function. The law will apply to all employe...

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The Sexual Autonomy Group supported by ELAS+ Fund held a meeting, on May 8th, with the NGO members of this coalition to analyze the political and legal situation of the country and the agenda of sexual and reproductive autonomy in this situation. Karla Ol...

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On May 10th, CEPIA, represented by Mariana Barsted and Karla Oldane, participated in the third workshop in a cycle of  Technical Mentoring Evaluation workshops for EMpower Foundation partner organizations in Latin America, focusing on the selection of ev...

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Leila Linhares Barsted participated, on May 10th , in the online seminar Estrategias para abordar el retroceso de los derechos de las mujeres y avances para poner fim al acoso sexual contra las mujeres en América Latina, promoted by UN Women. The followi...

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CEPIA expresses its deepest regret for the death of Thomaz Gollop and sends its condolences to his family. Thomaz had a fundamental role in the defense of reproductive rights and abortion rights and since his position as a doctor and geneticist, he always...

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On May 12th, CEPIA, represented by Thaynara Trinxet, participated in a meeting convened by the Technical Management of STI/AIDS (GERIAIDS) of the Rio de Janeiro State Health Secretariat. This meeting brought together several non-profit organizations from ...

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The German news agency DW published, on May 14th, an article about maternity and women, in which Jacqueline Pitanguy was interviewed. She recalled the advances achieved in the 1988 Constitution with the extension of maternity leave to 120 days, as well as...

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Leila Linhares Barsted participated, on May 15th, in the launching, at Cinema Estação Rio, of the documentary Until Life Separates Us – A Biography of Nelson Carneiro, directed by Emília Silveira. The documentary highlights the work of Senator Ne...

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Members of the Fós Feminista Alliance from Argentina,  Mexico and Colombia  presented on a meeting on May 17,  the political context of their countries and the limits and opportunities related to advances and challenges on the agenda of sexual and rep...

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