The State Forum for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of Adolescent Workers (FEPETI-RJ) completed two decades of work in defense of the rights of children and adolescents, in particular the prevention and eradication of child labor. Composed by federal and state public bodies, in addition to representatives from several municipalities of Rio de Janeiro State, non-governmental organizations, among other institutions, FEPETI/RJ has a collegiate coordination that organized an event in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Forum.

The event took place on December 12th at the Public Defender’s Office and brought together members of the Forum, partner institutions, as well as representatives from several municipalities from the State of Rio de Janeiro. On the occasion of the meeting, the publication Memories: 20 years of FEPETI-RJ was presented, including a brief history of the Forum over the last 20 years and future perspectives and challenges.

CEPIA, represented by Andrea Romani and Débora Pinheiro, was one of the organizations awarded a certificate for its commitment to this agenda, in particular our struggle against sexual abuse and exploitation against children and adolescents.

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