Between December 8th and 10th, CEPIA held the Youth, Reproductive Rights and Citizenship Seminar in Rio de Janeiro. The event was a follow-up to the online course we ran between June and August 2023 with the support of Ríos Rivers, which was attended by a selection of young people from all over the country.  

The opening took place with a dinner on December 8th and on the 9th and 10th, the speakers were Ana Paula Sciammarella, Jeferson Drezzet, José Henrique Torres, Maria José Rosado, Miriam Ventura, Richarlls Martins, Samantha Vitena, Simony dos Anjos and Sonia Correa, who were teachers on the course and provided input for the discussions and analysis of the Brazilian context in the field of reproductive rights and abortion. The students who took part in this seminar presented their contributions to the advocacy plans they had built up during the course.

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