
CEPIA celebrates its participation in the 15th Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Meeting (EFLAC), which took place in El Salvador from November 22nd to 25th.  We attended the Free and Safe Abortion assembly, which brought together feminists to exchan...

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On November 22nd, the Brazilian Lawyers Institute (IAB) honored lawyer and feminist activist Leonor Nunes Paiva with the Levy Carneiro Medal, which is awarded by statute to members who have been associated with the IAB for more than 30 years, the institut...

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On November the 24th, CEPIA attended a meeting of the EMPower Collaborative Network, which brings together organizations that work in various areas such as sexual health, art, sport, education, the environment and technology, especially with adolescents a...

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On November 23rd, CEPIA held another activity related to the initiative Latin American Dialogues for Democracy and Women’s Human Rights, developed in partnership with the Women’s Learning Partnership. This initiative aims to strengthen allianc...

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The Committee of Experts – CEVI of the Follow-up Mechanism to the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI) held its 20th Meeting on November the 28th and 29th at the headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington DC. At this mee...

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The organization Women’s Learning Partnership, WLP, held, on November 28th, a virtual meeting bringing together its Board of Directors and its partner organizations, including CEPIA, to honor Mahnaz Afkhami, founder and president of WLP who leaves t...

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On November 29th, CEPIA participated in SacLesex, the podcast of the Academic League of Sexual Education at UERJ – State University of Rio de Janeiro. The podcast addressed issues related to sexual and reproductive rights. CEPIA was invited to share...

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On November 30th and December 1st, the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) and MESECVI, with the support of the Italian Republic, CICTE, UN Women, the Wilson Center, Equality Now, UNFPA, the Regional Alliance for Free Expression and Information, held...

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On November 30th, the 5th meeting of the Anti-Racism Working Group of the OTRT initiative took place, in which CEPIA participated represented by Mariana Barsted and Leila Linhares Barsted. Several Latin American organizations took part in this decolonial ...

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Bringing together the organizations Fòs Feminista, Women in Equality, WEC, and Rios River, a meeting was held in New York on November 29th and 30th, which provided an exchange of experiences, challenges, obstacles and advances faced by various NGOs that ...

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On November 30th, CEPIA held, at its headquarters, the workshop “Sexual education if spoken to and by young people” which aimed to talk to young people, already engaged in the topic, about the challenges, perceptions and ways of expanding the ...

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Chile’s Permanent Foreign Policy Forum held an online meeting on December 5th on Regional Integration Processes in South America in which Jacqueline Pitanguy presented the general guidelines for adopting a gender perspective in such processes.

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On December 5th, the CEPIA team took part in the Exchange Session between the organizations that were selected in the WestWind Awards for the year 22-23, supported by Fòs Feminista and AMAZE, with a focus on the sexual and reproductive rights of adolesce...

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The Maternal Mortality Prevention and Control Committee held its 45th meeting on December 6. Jacqueline Pitanguy, representing Cepia, participated in this meeting that dealt with the epidemiological data on maternal deaths in 2023 and planning for 2024, i...

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Between December 8th and 10th, CEPIA held the Youth, Reproductive Rights and Citizenship Seminar in Rio de Janeiro. The event was a follow-up to the online course we ran between June and August 2023 with the support of Ríos Rivers, which was attended by ...

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