On September 19th, CEPIA held the workshop “Do you know about the Plan?” gathering teenagers and young people from partner networks such as CEDECA, Rap da Saúde Program from the Health Department of Rio de Janeiro, UERJ State University  and Cultura Urbana. The meeting aimed to build strategies on how to expand the reach of the  the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents (PMEVSCA) among the youth. The PMEVSCA, launched in 2022, was prepared by several hands, including the participation of CEPIA, and it addresses three main areas linked to sexual violence against children and adolescents: Prevention, Attention and Defense and Accountability.

Another objective of the workshop was to collect information to support a new podcast that CEPIA is developing on these topics.

The meeting that took place at CEPIA’s office was facilitated by Kézia Sampaio, Debora Pinheiro and Gabriel Brandão and was filled with many exchanges and ideas based on youth protagonism.

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